About Us
O’Day Tank & Steel is a family owned company that produces a wide variety of storage vessels and other custom built steel structures. We take pride in producing a high quality product and meeting the challenges that our customers bring to our shop. We are small enough to be very flexible at working with unique manufacturing requests, yet large enough to manage multiple large orders. Our team of craftsmen have the experience needed to push a project through from the design phase to the completed product ready to ship. Sizes ranging from 60 gallons to 50,000 gallons, O’Day can get your job done.

The origin of the company began when Leo J. O’Day started O’Day Equipment Company in 1935. The company was in the business of selling gasoline pumps and it was soon determined that to sell a pump, the buyers of pumps would need a tank first. So, the company expanded its offering to include tanks.
O’Day Equipment Company sourced tanks from regional fabricators including The Fargo Foundry (today Mid America Steel), Arrow Tank, Fargo Tank (today TrueNorth Steel) and facilitated distribution for these manufactures’.

During the 60’s the demand for on the farm diesel storage tanks was high and the company determined it could better service Customers if it manufactured its own line of small “farm tanks” sized from 300 to 2,000 gallons. O’Day Tank & Steel Co was started as a division of O’Day Equipment and produced its first tank during the spring of 1970.
Over the years the original plant was expanded as well as the offerings. The original “farm tank” is still produced along with single wall and double wall tanks, above ground and underground up to 50,000 gallon capacity. Underwriters Laboratories listed as well API and Steel Tank Institute products are among our standard products.
Today O’Day Tank & Steel LLC operates independently however O’Day Equipment remains a valuable customer for tanks and fabricated steel. We specialize on made-to-order and on time delivery of atmospheric pressure fuel storage tanks.
Our Team
Our team of craftsmen has made working for O’Day a career, not just a job. With an average tenure of 15+ years each and a few with 30+ years, you can be assured that your project will be of the highest quality.

Dan Loegering
President, O’Day Tank & Steel

Chris Lehse
Production Manager, O’Day Tank & Steel

Jeremy Korczak
Engineer, O’Day Tank & Steel